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Medea Redux is an online performance featuring original music, story, audio, and visuals by Walk on Air Productions. This music-theatre piece revisits the ancient story of Medea and the challenges faced by her as the 'outsider.' Legend says that Medea killed her two sons by Jason in a fit of rage over his taking a new wife, Glauce, to further his political ambitions. As a foreigner Medea–now abandoned by Jason–is cast out as a “barbarian” and the future of her sons put in danger. The story of Medea Redux–moving between ancient times, the present, and future–delves into the circumstances leading up to and following the murder of the children and Medea’s escape. The household servants, Betty, Al, and Vlad, and a stranger seeking refuge, Mariika, are left to come to terms with the trauma of this life-altering event. They relive the events, recreating the actions of the various agents of this tragedy,  and each proposes a different point of view on the reasons for Medea's lethal actions .

Medea Theme

The Chorus cautions the viewer against defying Medea.

Customs, Demands

Medea, as played by the stranger Mariika, protests the traditions and customs that constrain the role of women.

God of Vengeance

Medea prepares a potion to destroy Glauce, Jason’s new bride.

Tutor's Song

Alexander, tutor to the sons of Medea and Jason, finds himself in jail accused by his companions of a crime he did not commit.


While acting out the roles of Medea and Jason, Mariika and Jason’s manservant, Vlad, reach back to the love that brought Medea and Jason together.

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